Friday 1 July 2011

Introduct-shun myself

So out of nowheresville, i decided to hop onto the bandwagon of writing a blog , something which by no accounts is a new thing as we are living in a digital world and i am a digital girl, but its new to me in that second hand car kind of way. But why would i bother putting my thoughts out there on the internet for all to see where thanks to anonymity, even a charming youtube video of newly born kittens whose eyes havnt opened yet will boast comments that eventually descend into sheer unbridled xenophobia and insinuations of prescribing to the gay sex lifestyle choice.

I suppose it could be possibly because in spite of my devilish handsomeness, once people start talking to me they eventually realise that my mouth is a magical portal where nothing but pop culture and video game humour springs forth into life, either that or perhaps what i say isn’t stimulating enough to stave off people eyes glazing over once i talk in the real world, as many of my ex girlfriends will attest to . Also unlike in the realm world, here i get to stand on my soapbox and gob off endlessly without fear of contradiction because im a card carrying preposterous hypocrite and proud of it.

I once saw a documentaey where some pretentious blowhard commented that all these personal websited like twitter, facebook, blogs etc was essentially just a digital form of masturbations, pure self indulgence and perpetuating an individualistic culture of ME ME ME.

Ill admit that these days people seem more invested in themselves than in others but luckily i was born in this era, i don’t know if id go along with living in a facist dictatorship where we all gotta stop for fifteen minutes a day and praise big brothers impressive moustache. The anology of blogs and personal websites being akin to masturbation works on another level because who else is gna do a website dedicated to you the common man in the street unless your a ditzy starlet and you have such a huge fanbase they put up your own personal website where you can receive all the ego stroking stalker letters you want.

1 comment:

  1. I think the digital realm will be glad that a pixel such as yourself decided to join the so called bandwagon and voice your opinions like some over active alarm clock. Keep up the good work bro ;)
