Friday 1 July 2011

Starcraft 2. Cool...can I play it now?

One of the advantages console games have over pc games is that theres the instant gratification aspect that we sexy humans love, where u plug the disc in and bing badda boom, the game starts. sure with the exception of some monumentally large games may require an update or to be installed in the ps3 hardrive but Starcraft 2 seems determined not to let me actually play the game part of the fucking game ( to quote zero punctuation, what? u think I make this shit up myself?)

To paint a picture in your mind, us fans have waited since 1997 to play this next installment, and upon finally purchasing a copy , the logical step after aquiring a laptop that could do sumthing more strenuous than internet porn, I installed the game patiently then upon clicking start the game started patching itself in an endless loop into eternity ( i believe patches fix the bugs that flew under the radar the game testers didnt pick up the first time around, presumably because they were too busy being so pleased with themselves for having such a dream job!)

I wondered if perhaps my virus protection was blocking it, turned that off. still looping ...
ran it as administrator as well as in safe mode. still looping da fucking loop. Googled it and was relieved to see its a very common scenario as lots of other gamers have hysterically typed up angry letters online to ask why blizzard wont let them play their anticipated game as the patch is blocking the entrance like an obnoxious bouncer at a pretensious night club who allows fifteen year old girls in but not full grown nerds with disposable income.

some people recommended reinstalling, but one said that its actually downloading multiple patches and will take a while. I hope this is the case, as even while i type this the game is patching . If it doesnt work after an hour i will be out of ideas but booking my bus ticket to go to Blizzards headquarters and pissing into the letter tray!

Lets say that perhaps after some time the patch does finish and let you play. fair enough, but frankly after such an irritating first impression, its not off to a great start is it? i mean, im sure for many gamers, this has probably coloured the impression of the game before the horse has even been let out the gates. its more like a case where the race starts, all the other horses have bolted off and the race horse "starcraft 2 " door has been sealed shut with adamentium and then the horse has been shot in the head while we were still trying to pry the doors open.

Update- Low and behold, patch in safe mode then restart- works like a charm.. altho for reasons that shall not be disclosed the game is going back to HMV to be replaced by an xbox game instead. Blizzard can i have the last 3 hours back?no ? ok, no no its ok, i mean, its just that most of us mere mortals use games to amuse ourselves in our spare time, not to fuck around like its a second job we have to pay for! anyway , theres plenty of other hot titles on xbox to sink my teeth into , portal 2, la niore. least with them i can be playing within 20 minutes of purchasing the game.

Starcraft 2 tagline bodes well- " war is coming, in all its glory, and all its horrors" emphasis on the last part i guess. thank christ i kept the reciept

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